How Do We Plan for a Safe Demolition and Excavation on an Industrial Site – read here!

Demolition site safety is a concern for any party working in construction. Hazards are common and demolition has its own unique cluster of issues that need to be addressed prior to getting started.

How Do We Plan for a Safe Demolition and Excavation on an Industrial Site – read here!

To combat safety hazards on-site, Toronto demolition and excavation companies must always follow best practices and comply with the provincial regulations. Identifying and mitigating hazards could save a life. One doesn’t need to sacrifice efficiency to get it done. Thankfully, an experienced team of demolition workers won’t need this explained to them. Accurate, well-developed planning, using the right protective equipment, and ensuring workers are fully safety-trained are all important.

Every demolition is going to be a little different, depending on the structure and the nature of what’s requested. New risks can also present when there are changes to a building’s design somewhere along the construction process, alterations or adaptations to the original design, unknown weaknesses in the construction materials, or the discovery of materials like asbestos, lead, silica, beryllium, other chemicals, or heavy metals which require special handling.

For this reason, every member of our demolition team is fully instructed on demolition safety hazards and how to handle them. Safety precautions aren’t just something for management to follow. All stakeholders must actively participate in identifying potential issues. In demolition, engineering surveys are used to ensure there is no risk of building collapse and to evaluate the condition of materials. Utilities are located and secured prior to any igging, first aid supplies are held on site in case of emergency medical services, and there are always fire prevention plans.

Every demolition worker is also equipped with the necessary safety equipment to ensure that, in the event of any safety incident, they are protected. Personal protective equipment (PPE) may include protection for the face, eyes, feet, and head; hearing protection; respiratory protection; and a personal fall arrest system (PFAS). Depending on if there are any welding or cutting operations happening, other protective clothing may be provided. Each piece of protective wear’s inspected to ensure it properly fits and the wearer knows how to use it.

We’ve had years of experience working on Toronto demolition projects and safety’s always prioritized on every site. There’s too much at risk to not continually prioritize a safe construction area. The safety of our workers and the efficiency of the projects we work on rely on it. Best practices and regulations, in our experience, enhance the effectiveness of operations.

The responsibilities of any demolition company is to mitigate risk and prevent hazards. Through pursuing a safety-first agenda, one significantly lowers the risk of injuries and employees are protected.

For your next construction project, if you’re in need of demolition or excavation services in the GTA, choose to partner with a company that values safety efficiencies on-site. Core Mini Bins is experienced in all types of demolitions, small and large. We’ve participated in hundreds of demolitions over the years from Mississauga to Scarborough and beyond. For a safe demolition from an expert team, please contact one of our representatives today. We’d be happy to evaluate the requirements of your project and to assist any way we can.


How We Handle Asbestos Abatement in Demolition and Excavation

Asbestos refers to a group of naturally-occurring fibrous materials which are known to be strong and resistant to heat, electricity, and chemicals. In construction, asbestos is typically found in many types of homes and buildings. Asbestos can exist in pipe insulation, roofing felts, some drywall joint compounds, and fireproofing. Although asbestos isn’t really used today very much, it’s been used frequently in the past which makes it very common in older buildings. Thereby, asbestos abatement is a necessary step in any sort of Toronto demolition service.

How We Handle Asbestos Abatement in Demolition and Excavation

Why so much care is taken with asbestos is because of how dangerous it is. As asbestos goes airborne, a person can inhale the particles. They then settle into the respiratory or digestive systems. Asbestos exposure like this has been associated with diseases and disorders including mesothelioma, lung cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, and others. Sadly, symptoms may only become apparent decades after one was first exposed to asbestos. For this reason, any contractors or employees are not allowed to be exposed to airborne concentrations of asbestos greater than .01 f/cc as an 8-hour time weighted average (TAW).

There are a number of regulations in Ontario on asbestos abatement in demolition and construction. Any time asbestos is found in a demolished structure, it must be removed and encapsulated. There are strict rules on constructing, altering, repairing, or renovating a structure with asbestos. There’s also strict regulation on transporting, disposing, and storing asbestos or asbestos-containing products on the construction site. Building owners ideally are aware of the presence of asbestos or the possibility of it. Prior to any work beginning, troweled-on surfacing materials, sprayed on surface materials, and/or any thermal system insulation must be analyzed.

From the perspective of a demolition company, we are required to notify the building owner as well as any employees working on-site within 24 hours. The location, presence, and quantity of asbestos must be identified. Any information relating to the determination of materials on-site being or not being asbestos must be retained by the employer. Evidently, when we go into any environment, we always serve to uphold the highest standards of safety for employees and anyone on-site. All laws and regulations surrounding asbestos abatement are closely followed.

There are some companies who will knowingly ignore or who are naïve to what’s supposed to happen with asbestos. That’s not us. The rules are there to be followed. We’re not looking to get the job done fast, cutting corners and doing whatever we need to do to get it done. We’re a guaranteed top Toronto demolition contractor and we’ve maintained our high standards of operation for investing in safety, efficiency, and doing things right.

Asbestos exposure can be deadly. There’s a lot of procedures involved with asbestos removal. While other companies may cheat, we don’t. Any house or structure built before the late 1980s probably has some asbestos in it. Every year, there are thousands of structures in Ontario demolished with asbestos in them. It’s an unavoidable major health hazard which can’t be avoided. When we find asbestos, we notify the relevant stakeholders and adhere to the regulations.

Are you looking for a demolition company in Toronto? Be it knocking down an older building or renovating, if a demolition is needed, you have to have someone there you can trust. Hire Core Mini Bins today. For demolition and excavation both, we can help.

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How we Maintain Safety with our Demolition and Excavation Services in Toronto

Workplace injury is a major concern in the demolition and excavation industry. Major collapses and accidents can lead to serious injury and even death. There are many different causes that might not seem significant but can culminate in an unforeseen accident. Safety regulations and procedures have done a lot to advance site safety in recent years. The most crucial element of these procedures is that they must always be followed. The improper implementation and carrying out of proper safety procedures is one of the many major causes of workplace injuries and death.

How we Maintain Safety with our Demolition and Excavation Services in Toronto

The most potentially hazardous area of an excavation or demolition site is in a trench. Trenches are dug for many jobs and projects. They are very common in the repair of water pipes and other utilities that are buried beneath roadways. The limited access inherent with any trench is part of what makes them so hazardous. The procedures have to be followed carefully in order to maintain safety when dealing with workers in trenches. A worker can become buried or crushed under debris in less than a second. When this happens its often the case that there isn’t time for a rescue.

Construction companies need to be held to a high standard to reduce these deadly demolition and excavation accidents. Poor communication with these independent companies is another contributing factor to the problem of workplace injuries. It’s important to ensure that all companies that are licensed to operate are fully aware of all the necessary regulations and standards. There is no excuse for a company to be unaware of some of the most fundamental aspects of work site safety. Worse still, some companies are aware of regulations and simply do not implement them.

Most of these regulations regarding trench safety are determined by the depth of the trench in question. Minor projects with smaller risk require fewer preventative measures as they are less likely to produce the serious injuries or deaths of larger accidents. A trench with a depth of four or more feet needs to have a designated means of exiting in the case of an emergency, like a ladder or scaffold. A trench of five feet deep or more requires the installation of further protective systems and equipment. It is also required to keep materials at least two feet away from the trench edge.

Many companies say that safety is a top goal for them. In spite of this, there are still many accidents that happen. Fatal trench accidents still happen today. It is of the utmost importance to keep up vigilance when it comes to the rules for safety. There can be no excuse for these injuries and deaths in the world of today. It is up to every person involved at every level to make sure that the rules are followed to the best of their ability. Keeping up education requirements for these rules is one way that the city of Toronto does its part to ensure that these standards are upheld for all.

Sign on with Core Mini Bins as a demolition and excavation partner, and see first-hand how we prioritize safety on the job. Wherever we’re assigned in Toronto, we never compromise work quality. Contact a representative of Core Mini Bins today for more info on how we can help you!

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Preserving the Value of Construction Materials after Demolition and/or Excavation

As a prominent Toronto demolition and excavation company, we try our best to make the most from the materials culled together from a property. Preserving the value and integrity of these construction materials, they can then be recycled or reused in alternative products. That said, sometimes, it’s not always possible to save materials.

Preserving the Value of Construction Materials after Demolition and/or Excavation

Going through any garage, basement, or barn, you’ll find a lot of material that most people will just toss out to landfills. Builders, demolition specialists, contractors, and developers may see some of these materials and immediately identify possible reuse potential.

Sometimes, the reason why materials are thrown away are simply because there’s no room to keep it and that makes sense. A lot of the junk removal calls we receive from Torontonians ask us to pick up things our customers don’t have the space to keep. Especially in a place like Toronto where every square foot counts, there’s only so much space to keep things.

Thankfully, in the last decade and a half, the market for older building materials and repurposing demolition by-products has grown. Today, there are even retail organizations selling this stuff alongside lumber, millwork, and deconstruction pieces.

There’s a lot of reasons to preserve the value of construction materials and reuse them after demolition. When done correctly, you’re capturing raw materials which themselves hold a high value. As alluring as buying shiny and new can be to some consumers, there are others who value environmentally-friendly, reclaimed purchasing of raw materials. No longer is the perception of these materials to see them as old, dirty, or dangerous. As society has been increasingly inched towards a less wasteful status, reuse of construction materials has grown in importance.

As construction aficionados, we know what can and should be saved in a demolition. Things like windows, doors, flooring, lumber, plumbing, built-ins, lighting, and hardware can all be captured and repurposed. In many cases, historical materials are a major find for us as they can sometimes be so gorgeous. In order to ensure the aforementioned materials are reusable, the condition of them is key. If they’re not in reasonable shape, that presents a challenge. Sometimes extraction or transportation may degrade the materials. If it’s not handled properly, the profit margin for building materials begin to disappear rather quickly. Things like cost to extract the materials, handle and ship them, and the cost to warehouse them all have to be weighed.

When we audit a property for a demolition or excavation, if we find materials that are worth reusing, we invest in taking apart the building in a way that preserves the integrity of said materials. Care must always be taken to remove and transport these materials securely. There’s always a way to tear something out from a home but to preserve it, there is oftentimes more time and effort that needs to be invested. That’s fine by us because it saves a lot and makes a true difference to our environment. As we’ve come to learn how to extract the materials and provide them for resale, we continue to maintain a commitment to environmentally-friendly demolition and extraction practices.

For more information on Toronto-based demolition and extraction in the GTA, contact a representative at Core Mini Bins. Upholding the highest standards in waste management and recycling, we’ll maximize the use of all materials and ensure they get a fair look prior to disposal.

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Excavation Services Toronto

Every new construction project begins with an Excavation.  If you’re looking for Mini Excavation or Full Excavation Services with an outstanding performance then consider our Premier Excavation Services in Toronto. We specialize in both Commercial and Residential Excavation Services.

Excavation Services Toronto – Every new construction project begins with an Excavation.

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