Demolition Services Toronto

Here at Core Mini Bins our machine operators have over 20 years experience operating heavy equipment such as: Heavy Excavators, Big Loaders, Track Driven Blades, Skid Steers, and Forklifts. Our demolition team has the knowledge and expertise to remove unwanted structures in preparation for new building construction. Core Mini Bins offers a complete Demolition and Disposal Solution as part of our tactical plan. We have worked alongside Custom Home Builders to knock down older houses remove brick, concrete, separate garbage and remove all waste. We tactically plan all demolition jobs in order to finish in a timely fashion, effectively and with high standards to leave our customers satisfied.




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Excavation Services Toronto

Every new construction project begins with an Excavation.  If you’re looking for Mini Excavation or Full Excavation Services with an outstanding performance then consider our Premier Excavation Services in Toronto. We specialize in both Commercial and Residential Excavation Services.

Excavation Services Toronto – Every new construction project begins with an Excavation.

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Cities across Canada are losing Millions every Year from Bad Recycling Practices

 Toronto has long been representative of environmentally-friendly, green recycling trends across Canada. According to recent data in Toronto, which corresponds to similar data in urban centres like Calgary, there is millions of dollars being lost annually in bad recycling practices.


This marks a huge problem for Canada. As Canada seeks to improve and expand recycling operations across the country, existing practices need to be improved upon or risk losing millions more. Even worse is that these are not federal dollars being lost – these are municipalities losing millions on recycling that is being mixed in with garbage and vice versa.

A recent report published by Toronto’s Public Works and Infrastructure Committee revealed that 25 percent of all material placed into recycling in 2017 was non-recyclable. That number is actually expected to increase this year to 27 percent.

Toronto’s Solid Waste Management Services have reported numerous items having found their way into recycling including dirty cardboard, coffee pods, freezer bags, black plastic food containers, and more unexpected items such as dead animals, garden hoses, and more.

The main thing to address when it comes to why recycling practices are so bad comes down to education and contamination. As some consumers do not know what materials are non-recyclable, they end up contaminating a batch of otherwise recyclable product with non-recyclables. Should estimates for this year’s 27 percent contamination rate hold, that will equate to approximately $4 million the City of Toronto will have to pay in additional processing fees.

The reality between what needs to happen and where things are moving today with recycling in Toronto is not promising. Process and infrastructure changes are recommended however this comes at a time when the City is already struggling with what to do with existing waste and recycling materials. In the meantime, many corporations and research groups are attempting to find ways to change their own processes to create more recyclable packaging. This is perhaps where most of the hope can be put at this point in time as these companies have more financial resources available to them than the City. If there’s change coming around the corner in the Toronto waste management and recycling industry, it’s likely to come from small businesses, commercial enterprises, and corporations stepping up to the plate.

Things are not all bad in Canada, as it pertains to recycling though. In some areas, including West Vancouver, the contamination rate is as low as 3.6 percent – which is admittedly a far cry from Toronto’s outstanding 25 percent and growing.

At the end of the day, what there is to be done is ultimately for more efforts to be made in education and for more companies to step up to the plate. The impetus is on us as individuals, small business owners, and corporate managers to seek new ways to effectively mitigate the consequences of our waste. The future of Canada’s reputation in recycling heavy depends on it. There is a responsibility there that should not go unnoticed.

So if you own a commercial enterprise and think there is more you can do to make the most from your waste output, contact Core Mini Bins today. As Toronto waste management specialists, we are passionate about recycling and would be happy to set you up with a representative to discuss further options for your business. When it comes to waste production, accountability is key. Through more targeted recycling, we are confident we can cut down contamination and improve recycling processes in some very significant ways.

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2 Reasons to Consider Renting a Dumpster with your Neighbors

In the lifetime of the average person, the need to rent a dumpster comes few and far between. When it does come time though, renting a dumpster can be expensive if you do the rental on your own. As a means of saving money, more Canadians are choosing to rent a dumpster with their neighbors. This way, split costs with someone else, share the space with someone you trust, and receive a high quality dumpster rental instantly.

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There are a couple different reasons why renting a dumpster with your neighbors might be advantageous. To begin with, you receive a partner to bounce ideas off and to help in finding the best priced dumpster rental which admittedly can be tough at times. More important than that though, we think these two reasons are more than enough to at least consider the possibility.

#1 – It’s a pretty big money-saver

If the only thing keeping you from renting a dumpster is money then this might be your answer. For any of us with a lot of junk to get rid of, it can be taxing trying to find storage space and/or finding a way to get it off your hands. Renting a dumpster provides easy disposal, though it comes at a cost. When sharing said cost with a neighbor though, it allows both of you to share space in the container and helps reduce the personal expense you need to make. In the process of saving you money, you’re also saving your neighbor money which will help them out as well.

#2 – It’s a great way to get your spring cleaning done

If selling the idea of renting a dumpster together is a hard sell, put it together like an easy way to do some spring cleaning. Rent a dumpster with a neighbor and offload the things that you can’t just put at the road to be taken away as garbage. Clean out home clutter, get rid of the things you don’t need, and help a friend in the neighborhood do the same thing.

So after all this, if you are still thinking about renting a dumpster with your neighbor, give Core Mini Bins a call. As a premiere Toronto dumpster rental, recycling, and waste management company, we would love to work with you. There are a number of dumpster rental containers we can provide and can cover all the essentials as needed. The last thing we want to have happen is to see one of our customers – or a customer of another dumpster rental company – overpay for a service they may not be happy with. Cut down on the price today, decide on the size of bin, and find the garbage bin rental that is right for the needs of you and your neighbor.

Having a dumpster handy always comes with its benefits. Just be sure not to overfill on a container that is too small, or to select a container size that is way too big for what you need it for. If you want to reduce costs even further, partnering with a few of your neighbors may help in getting a larger sized rental at an even lower price point for you personally. For more information on renting a dumpster in your Toronto neighborhood, contact Core Mini Bins today to speak with a representative.

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Why you Might Want to hire Junk Removal when Moving

 When moving in Toronto, the entire process can be a big hassle. Booking the elevator up and down, packing everything and then rushing it around with a moving company, and more – it’s all very stressful work. We understand that a Toronto junk removal company might not be the first thing on your mind when moving. That said, there are many reasons to consider hiring junk removal for moving.


Any time we move, there are always things that we are not going to want to carry with us. Those things need to go and putting them out at the side of the road is not always recommended. Whether it’s a move across the street or across the province, a junk removal company can help with that. Prior to moving and transporting your belongings, give some thought to what you don’t need to bring with you to your new location. Junk removal is a great opportunity to reduce excess clutter and get off your hands any unwanted stuff that’s bringing you down. There’s no need to make the trip to the dump yourself or to bury them in a storage locker.

Junk removal companies in Toronto can handle a wide array of different items including more basic junk to furniture like dressers, bed frames, mattresses, and more. Instead of looking after this yourself without any assistance, junk removal will come to you, do all the heavy lifting, and in a matter of minutes, it can all be cleared. To anyone who does intend to hire a junk removal company, it is important to do this preferably days before moving. That way, you can get a better sense on the clutter that has to go and the items that you intend to keep.

As convenient as hiring a Toronto junk removal company can be, knowing which one to hire is not necessarily clear. It is generally strongly recommended to seek one out who intends to recycle what they can instead of simply dumping it all out. In some cases regarding furniture, it might be possible to re-purpose some of it for others to use or for other means. Contacting junk removal companies in Toronto, be sure to ask if they recycle and what they might be able to offer to assist in recycling an item that you intend to hand over. The last thing anyone wants is to toss into our landfills items that could be recycled and/or put to use elsewhere in the province for someone who needs it.

Core Mini Bins is one of Toronto’s brightest junk removal companies. As important as it is to offer a high quality, professional service, we are equally committed to recycling and building an eco-friendly business. If there are any concerns pertaining to furniture or other items you are throwing out prior to a move, please be sure to give us a call. We would be happy to assist in determining what can be recycled or reused and what cannot. As a top Toronto junk removal company, we seek to find the safest, most convenient ways to take away clutter from the home. There’s no reason to take unnecessary junk over to your new place. Just give us a call!

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Excavation Services Toronto

Every new construction project begins with an Excavation.  If you’re looking for Mini Excavation or Full Excavation Services with an outstanding performance then consider our Premier Excavation Services in Toronto. We specialize in both Commercial and Residential Excavation Services.


Why choose from some of the best Excavation Contractors in Toronto?

Our potential to complete your project on time is thanks to a highly trained team and manpower for Industrial and Residential Excavation projects. By incorporating modern technology in an excavation, we take utmost care to ensure an economical project. We always give importance to our customers’ demands and we never compromise safety on an Excavation.

Here at Core Mini Bins our machine operators have over 20 years experience operating heavy equipment such as: Heavy Excavators, Big Loaders, Track Driven Blades, Skid Steers, and Forklifts. We have worked alongside Custom Home Builders, Pool Companies, Sodding Companies, Underpinning Companies, Pattern Concrete and Interlocking Companies. We have a John Deere Excavator, Hitachi Excavator, Bobcats, and Cat Blades ready for onsite work and excavations both large and small. Whether you are preparing a building site for a new home or making additions to existing structures, Core Mini Bins offers professional excavation services and will work with your builder or contractor to ensure the excavation and removal of unwanted Clean Fill is done as efficiently as possible, on time, and on budget.


Why choose us:

  • Before committing to any project, we carefully scope out the site in order to understand its unique challenges and requirements.
  • We are equipped with all the necessary documents.
  • We keep our equipment in good condition.
  • We are aware of the risks associated with an excavation job and safety is our primary concern.
  • We even take care of clearing the debris and excavated soil.

Every new construction project begins with an Excavation.  If you’re looking for Mini Excavation or Full Excavation Services with an outstanding performance then consider our Premier Excavation Services in Toronto. We specialize in both Commercial and Residential Excavation Services.

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Top Myths associated with Junk Removal

 There’s a lot about junk removal and recycling that everyday Canadians do not know. At times, we have fielded numerous inquiries about the ethics of recycling, how much our landfills are growing, etc. In many cases, there are some false beliefs about recycling and junk removal that we’d like to address.


To begin, we have heard from some customers that there is not much of a point to recycling because it all ends up in the landfill eventually. The trouble with this is that to maintain a healthy, high-functioning environment, recycling is actually pretty important. Wood, cardboard, paper, plastic, glass, and other recyclables help cut down on the amount of new materials we need to keep the world going. Recycling is on the rise because of its convenience and importance, and that’s not going to change.

Secondly, we hear a lot that because green waste is biodegradable that it is alright to send it to landfills. In response to this, we say that green waste biodegrades at a very, very slow rate and most landfill sites are built as a no-oxygen environment meaning that the micro-organisms that would normally break down green waste are not there to do it. Also, as green waste is not broken down, it leaks into the atmosphere as methane slowly over time. That means it is integral to ensure green waste is sent to the proper location to be sorted. If not, the next best thing is creating a compost for these items in your own backyard.

The third myth of junk removal and recycling is that food waste is not a big deal. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Immense amounts of carbon dioxide are produced from food waste and yet even so, up to 30 percent of the foods in developed countries ends up being thrown out. At the same time, in our own communities and in communities across the world, there are millions of people going hungry from lack of access to quality food. The more that we delve into becoming zero waste, the closer we get to eventually addressing the massive amounts of food waste we don’t really address as a society.

The fourth myth is that junk removal is easier to do without a company. In some cases, absolutely, this is true. In others though, especially when waste removal is more complicated, hiring a junk removal company can help keep things simple. Imagine someone coming to collect and dispose of clutter in the most environmentally responsible way, and you never have to lift a finger throughout this process.

Lastly, the biggest myth we hear about junk removal and recycling is that recycling is more expensive than simply sending stuff to the landfill. To this, we say in the short-term, yes landfills might be cheaper however in the long term, absolutely not. Throughout the last two decades, recycling has become a lot cheaper while landfill space has continued to increase in cost. In terms of the use recycled products receive, there are also significant cost savings there to consider.

‘Junk’ is not a bad thing. As a culture, we should embrace it. These myths are just a start to some of the misconceptions we’ve heard. By hiring a junk removal company, you can repurpose your junk and get the clutter out of your way in no time.

Contact Core Mini Bins for all of your junk removal needs in Toronto and for any inquiries on specific junk items.

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Buying Habits are Changing and Recycling Challenges are on the rise in Canada

 As recycling has become increasingly less expensive and buying habits have changed, in the last two decades, Canada now faces some new challenges that it did not have before. Technologies have either been changed or invented, the country’s demographics have changed, new lifestyle trends have emerged, and demands for convenience are at an all-time high. As important as recycling should be to our culture, unfortunately, it becomes too much work for some – and that’s not a thought entirely unfounded or inaccurate either.


Ask most Canadians and they will tell you that recycling is not easy. At times, even the brochures that municipal waste collection and garbage removal companies contains confusing and inconvenient information. Even though most Canadians want to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a more environmentally-sustainable country, the recycling system is uneven. Every municipality tends to do things a little bit different, creating challenges and misinformation about what is accepted as recycling and what is not.

The way to address these recycling challenges is by addressing the confusion head-on. Identifying a province-wide guide on what is recyclable and what is not would be a great first step. Then, as a waste management and recycling company, we would recommend more effort to educate the general populace on the details of what is recyclable. As an example, there are many different types of plastics and only some of them are recyclable. This creates a very confusing system wherein recyclable products get tossed out and/or recycling bins end up contaminated by products that do not belong there.

Thinking back to decades ago, recycling bins were not filled with half the things they are filled with today. It used to be all about newspapers and glass, and that was essentially recycling in Canada for a very long time. Those things were easier and less expensive to recycle than other materials, and there was a market for them. Since the 1990s however, more Canadians are going to the web for news reducing newspaper consumption across the country. In addition, more Canadians are shopping online, receiving unrecyclable packaging like Styrofoam. Multi-person households are also commonly using takeout, further increasing the waste consumption per household.

Evidently, convenience has had both a positive and negative impact on recycling. Conventional recycling systems have had to adapt and fortunately, they still are. New recycling markets are opening up almost every year, allowing us to recycle and reuse materials that we could not otherwise do at reasonable cost.

As recycling has been made that much easier though, convenience has at times been very difficult to handle. In particular, convenience packaging uses some of the most unrecyclable products and that is something that is going to need to change in the decades to come. As important as it is for individual consumers to make changes, it is even moreso important that governments, regulatory bodies, and corporations take those steps to make this a more eco-friendly Canada.

Lifestyle habits, convenience packaging, and technology needs aside, Core Mini Bins is proud to be among the collection of Toronto companies committed to effective waste management and recycling. For more information on the recycling opportunities that may exist on your residential or commercial property, contact Core Mini Bins today to speak with a representative.

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Tips to Know when Hiring a Dumpster Rental in Toronto

Construction dumpster rentals for waste management and bin rentals of other varieties are services sought out daily in Toronto and the GTA. There are numerous firms out there offering to collect and process your garbage. There is no reason not to do it, considering the advantages to the environment and the ways in which it makes junk removal easy. That said, knowing what the right dumpster rental company in Toronto is best may not be so clear.


The first tip to know when hiring a dumpster rental company in Toronto is to know what you’re paying for. Every dumpster rental company will be a little bit different. The proposals might be different, what’s included in the rates will vary, and as reasonable as one offer may sound price-wise, you may find more service going elsewhere on a rate that has more behind it. Be sure to ask what is included with a company’s rate and where there exists the possibility for additional fees. This should give a pretty extensive look into what the most cost-effective solution is.

In terms of cost, for the best savings, we recommend going with someone in your local area. By hiring local, it cuts down on transportation costs that other non-local firms may charge. Also, you can feel good about supporting a local small business. If an issue does arise, by having a local representative there, you can ensure that the response time is top notch and that you receive the best service. Depending on if it is for residential or commercial buildings, construction, or general waste management, working with a local company may provide a better deal cost-wise and they may be more likely to sit down with you and provide some options.

Finding the right size dumpster rental is also a key focal point of discussions with dumpster rental companies. There are some who may recommend smaller bin rentals only to see them overflowing with garbage and unable to move. To the other side of things, renting a bin that is too big only creates a cost that you may not need in the end. Thoroughly describe to the dumpster rental company the kinds of materials you are discarding. They should be able to recommend a solution. Also, be sure to confirm that your waste will be processed in an environmentally responsible way. Any materials that could be recycled, reused, or donated should be, creating the lowest waste possible for the province’s landfills.

These are just a few of the tips to know when hiring a dumpster rental company in Toronto. Take full advantage of the local selection. It’s always best to receive at least one or two quotes before making a final decision. Finding a reputable company with years of experience in the field and that specializes in the kind of dumpster rental services you need is ideal. High quality waste management does not come easy. Those that do it well are few and far between.

Core Mini Bins boasts more than 25 years of experience to its name and are the experts in same day dumpster rental services, mini bin rentals, and waste collection in Toronto and the GTA. Contract us today to receive a fully licensed, insured service that is local to you!

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Canada’s Most Popular Recycling Mistakes revealed!

 Even though Canadian households may have the best of intentions in mind when setting up recycling, there can be some pretty sizeable mistakes that many of us don’t even think about.


Cross-contamination and similar mistakes end up costing Canadians hundreds of thousands of dollars every year. According to recent survey data, these are some of the most popular recycling mistakes made by Canadians every year.

Among the more evident recycling mistakes made by Canadian households is approximately 45 percent who do not rinse out bottles and similar containers prior to entering them into recycling. Let’s take a glass salsa jar as an example. Ideally, one wants to rinse out the salsa as best as they can before tossing it in. That way, they do not risk contaminating other bottles, glass containers, or recycling. When jars, bottles, and similar items are thrown in unwashed, it creates more work in the recycling pipeline where there does not need to be.

The next three mistakes on our list is something that is slowly being corrected thankfully. More than 25 percent of Canadians believe that it is possible to recycle greasy pizza boxes, coffee cups, and plastic bags. Though it technically depends upon the region you are located in, overall, neither of these three are recyclable items. Normally, a cardboard box would be able to be recycled however once they are covered in grease, it is no longer possible. In many cases, coffee cups are non-recyclable as well, though some others may be. Then, there are plastic bags. The reason why so many regions are banning the use of plastic bags is because this category of plastic is non-recyclable. Thus, these three items make up the most popular items that Canadians attempt to recycle that should not be included in their haul.

Approximately 70 percent of Canadians who are unsure about whether a product can be recycled or not will choose not to look it up, instead guessing as to whether it is pure garage or recycling. The lack of education to new and existing Canadian households on what is recyclable in their communities and what is not is a communication breakdown that Canada may not be able to afford much longer. This problem is something that needs to be tackled in the years to come by households, commercial enterprises, and governments. The resources to look up a material’s potential for recycling is highly recommended.

Among some of the other items that Canadians think are recyclable but that, in fact, are not include shiny or metallic wrapping paper, glass that is not a jar or bottle such as window glass, straws, soft plastic packaging, metallic packaging, and photo paper.

Among the items that are recyclable however that many Canadians may not be aware of include kitchen foil and foil trays, empty deodorant aerosols, empty surface cleaner bottles, metal lids, and empty bleach bottles.

There is a lot that the waste management and recycling industry needs to be address in order to collectively increase the recycling performance potential of Canada. Manufacturers of plastic products in particular should be actively engaged in recycling practices and environmentally-friendly design. Canada’s most popular recycling mistakes revealed in this article comes down to educational processes not in place and a lack of willingness on government to move. Waste management and recycling companies continue to do much of the heavy lifting in terms of repurposing product and finding reuse from countless materials.

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